Double Roster Policy

Each season, a determination will be made on the appropriateness for a team to include skaters and/or a goalie on its roster from a lower age classification (double rostering). In general, double rostering is done to address a shortage of skaters and/or goalies and is not intended to give the opportunity for a player to “double-up” on ice time by routinely practicing or playing games for multiple teams. All roster decisions must be in compliance with USA Hockey and Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association (WAHA) rules.


  1. A skater may be double rostered on a team at a level immediately above their age-appropriate level. For example a skater/goalie on a Squirt team could be double rostered on a Peewee team;
  2. A skater/goalie may not be rostered on more than one team at any age level (unless done within the parameters of the WAHA dual rostering rules for girls). For example, a skater/goalie may not be rostered on both a Squirt A and Squirt B teams;
  3. If the decision to double roster skater(s) or a goalie for a given team is made, the skater(s)/goalie to be double rostered will be determined as follows:
  4. The Head Coach of the team requesting double roster skater(s)/goalie will meet with the Hockey Director and indicate the number of double rosters desired and which individuals they would be willing to double roster;
  5. The Hockey Director will meet with the Head Coach of the lower age team and discuss the players requested for double roster spots;
  6. The Hockey Director and Coach of the team requesting the double roster(s) will meet with the parent(s) of the player(s) requested to be double rostered to review this policy, explain how the Coach intends to utilize the double roster(s), and seek consent to double roster their player(s);
  7. Upon receiving consent from the parents of the player(s) requested to double roster, the Hockey Director will submit a listing of double roster(s) by team to the SPYHA Board and then the Registrar will be directed to add those players to the official rosters no later than November 10.
  8. Rosters, including double roster decisions, must be finalized by the WAHA deadline (December 31st). After this deadline, a skater is not permitted to participate on a given team unless the skater is on that team's official roster, unless a special dispensation has been granted by WAHA;
  9. A player must play at least 5 games with a team between November 1st and the team's first playdown game to be eligible to play for that team in Playdowns and/or the State Tournament should that team qualify for State;
  10. A double rostered player's main obligation is to their primary team. A skater may not compete for the team they are double rostered on unless participation in that game or games has been agreed to by the Head Coach of the player's primary team;
  11. The intent of double rostering is not to give a skater or goalie additional ice time on a permanent basis, but to assist teams with a shortage of skaters and/or a goalie. Double rostered players should routinely practice with their primary team, and are only allowed to practice with their double rostered team in those weeks in which they are needed to address a shortage and the Head Coach of their Primary Team has agreed to allow them to compete with the double rostered team that weekend;
  12. When utilizing double rostered players, the following requirements are to be followed:
  13. The need to utilize a double rostered player must be determined based on a shortage or on the need to have the skater play 5 games for the team in order to make the player eligible for Playdowns and/or State. Utilizing double roster players for games will not be permitted for other reasons;
  14. Every effort should be made to provide a reasonable amount of lead time when requesting to utilize a double rostered player; and
  15. If more than one skater is double rostered for a given team, every effort should be made to provide an equal opportunity for them to play when needed, such as establishment of a rotation.

Last Updated 7/2024

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