Volunteer Requirements

SPYHA is a volunteer-based organization which depends almost entirely on member participation to operate. Without support from our families, we would simply not be able to provide hockey to our community. Each family with a skater 6U through Bantam/14U is required to work 12 hours of volunteer service each season. Families which only have a skater at the Learn to Play (LTP) level are exempt from the volunteer hours requirement. The board reserves the right to adjust the hour requirements, as needed, after registration.

Completion of Volunteer Requirements

Families are responsible for seeking and completing the required hours each season or having a Board-approved plan to meet the volunteer requirement. Volunteer opportunities are communicated via email, SPYHA newsletters, and on the SPYHA website. Questions regarding volunteer hours can be directed to a Board member.


  • Concessions Shifts - There will be many opportunities to complete volunteer hours in the concession stand during the months of October through March. Open concessions shifts will be posted on the SPYHA website (Volunteer Page).
  • Zamboni Driving - Volunteer hours can be satisfied by completing Zamboni shifts throughout the season. All Zamboni drivers must complete training and/or be authorized by the Zamboni Coordinator. Reference the SPYHA Zamboni Policy for more information on the requirements and conditions under which Zamboni driving may be utilized to satisfy volunteer hours.
  • Volunteer Lead/Coordinator Positions - Serving as a volunteer lead/coordinator satisfies the annual volunteer requirement. SPYHA relies on volunteers to fill many essential positions within the organization. These include, but are not limited to, Fundraising/Scrips Coordinator, Golf Outing Coordinator, Parade/Events Coordinator, Clothing Order Coordinator, Advertising Coordinator, Cow Chip Festival Coordinator, Floor Hockey Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Uniforms/Jerseys Manager, social media and Communications Coordinator, Team Manager Advisor, Team Photo Coordinator, and Snow Removal Coordinator. Reach out to a board member if you would be interested in learning more about available coordinator positions.
  • Coaching/Team Managers/Board Members - Serving as a head coach, assistant coach, team manager/rep, or SPYHA Board member satisfies the annual volunteer requirement. Each head coach may designate up to 2 assistant coaches and a team manager to exempt from volunteer requirements.
  • Off-Season Cleaning and Facility Improvements - There may be opportunities to complete volunteer hours in the off-season by helping with various cleaning and facility improvements projects. These opportunities will be communicated via email.


  • Game Day Duties/Off-ice Officiating Responsibilities (score-sheet, scoreboard operator, penalty box) - These activities are essential for your team to play games, and do not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Locker Room Monitoring - Teams are responsible for monitoring of locker rooms and changing areas during practices and games, as outlined in the SPYHA Locker Room Policy. This time does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Individual/Team Fundraisers - SPYHA offers fundraising opportunities for families, primarily through participation in our Scrips program. Participation in the Scrips program or time spent on any other individual or team-led fundraiser (for example the Fall Decorations Fundraiser) does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Tournament Volunteering - Teams may be provided the opportunity to host tournaments at SPYHA. Staffing of volunteers to support these tournaments (pre-season, in-season, post-season, and State) is the responsibility of the team hosting the tournament. Time spent volunteering in support of tournaments does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement unless previously approved by the SPYHA Board in writing.


Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey simply cannot function without the help of each and every member family.

For families with a skater at the PeeWee/12u level and below: It is expected that the volunteer hours required of each family be completed prior to the first State Tournament weekend each season (typically the first weekend in March).

For families with a skater at the Bantam/14U level: It is expected that the volunteer hours required of each family be completed prior to the weekend of Play-Downs each season (typically the first weekend in February).

Families which have not met these expectations may have their skater(s) declared ineligible for participation in team activities/games, including Playdown and/or State Tournament games. Families which do not complete their volunteer hours prior to the end of the season will not be allowed to participate in future association activities, including pre-season camps/clinics and Team Evaluations, until all outstanding volunteer obligations have been met. Families deemed to be in danger of not meeting their annual volunteer obligations may be contacted by a Board member or designee, however it is the responsibility of each member family to ensure their obligations are met.


The association does offer families the chance to buy-out their required volunteer hours. A family can choose to pay $420 to be exempt from working the required number of hours. This payment will be due at time of registration.

Last Updated 7/2024

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